The proprietor and his friends have from time to time enjoyed
themselves with making various short films, which others will hopefully
enjoy (though they for reasons of space are in RealVideo
8 format).
A Lovely Sunny Day I
- 128K
A splendid day with mirthful maiming.
Thomas Robson, Jon von Sevaj, Kasper von Sevaj.
A Lovely Sunny Day II
- 128K
Another fine day with merry mutilations.
Anders Olesen, Bo Vilstrup Mortensen, Jon von Sevaj,
Kasper von Sevaj
Kim Skov II
- 128K
The sequel to a classic Danish anti-bullying movie
from the 80's.
Anders Olesen, Bo Vilstrup Mortensen, Jon von Sevaj,
Kasper von Sevaj.
The Bright Side of Life
- 128K
Feelings, feelings, and plenty of feelings about death
and life.
Jon von Sevaj, Kasper von Sevaj.
If one might ask: "What do the numbers mean?" the short
reply is: Have you got an ordinary modem, choose 56K; have you got ISDN,
and are you using both lines, choose 128K.